Final Results

May 18, 2023

After some last fine tuning and cleaning up of our code we are finally done with our Boids implementation. In the Gif Below you see 100 boids following a set of three movement rules - Flock Centering, Velocity Matching, and Collision Avoidance, to simulate flocking behaviour.

after smoothing The white sphere denotes the middle of the bounded area the boids are allowed to fly within.

Future improvements

Numerous enhancements could be made to expand upon this project. Currently, the simulation features a basic flock navigating within a confined area. An immediate improvement could involve incorporating obstacle avoidance to enable navigation around various objects within the scene. Additionally, developing a predator-prey dynamic could add an interactive element, allowing users to control the predator.

Further development could also transform the simulation into a more visually appealing environment by improving the background aesthetics and refining the boids to resemble actual birds, complete with wing-flapping animations.

Check out the project report

If you are curious to read the full project report you can find it here.

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