After lot's of project scoping and getting feedback on our project proposal, it's finally time to get started.
To get going quickly we have been looking for inspirational material of people who have implemented projects similar to ours. We found different tutorials and project reports and discovered one we particularly liked. It's a youtube series by Board To Bits Games called “Flocking Algorithm in Unity”.
We will use this as inspiration for our project. However, we will make changes to make it suit the scope of our project better, such as converting the whole project to 3D instead of 2D as the tutorial suggests.
The Unity game engine
We have decided to use the Unity game engine for our project, version 2022.3.13f1. Unityis well equipped for handling 3D graphics, animation and simulations, and we are both somewhat familiar with it, both from the labs in this course, and from using it a little bit in other courses.