For our DH2323 project we will make a 3D implementation of the Boids algorithm.
Here's what a 2D version looks like, source unknown.
So what is a boid?
Boids is an artificial life simulation originally developed by Craig Reynolds. The aim of the simulation is to replicate the behavior of flocks of birds. But it can also be used to simulate flocking behavoiur of e.g. fish, insects or other herds of animals.
In 1986 Craig Reynolds developed an algorithm called Boids short for “bird-oid object” The model Reynolds presented has since been used and implemented with different variations. The original paper can be found here
Why boids?
There are many instances where flocking behavior would be beneficial to have in simulations, movies, or games. Constructing more immersive environments where animals like birds move in realistic ways.
We were both facinated by how a relatively small set of mathematical rules can create such a percievengly coordinated yet unpredictable movement within a flock, and wanted to try implementing it ourselves.